Verification of Employment
For Former Employees
If you need verification of prior employment service/sick leave, please email for assistance.
For Current Employees
All verification of employment and salary is accessed through The Work Number. You will be able to access The Work Number whenever you need to have employment or salary verified, i.e. loan applications, housing, automobile purchases, leases, etc. The verifiers, lender, or landlord should no longer send employment or salary verification forms to the Human Resources Department.
Verifiers can call The Work Number 1-800-367-5690 or 1-800-424-0253 (TTY – hearing impaired) or visit the work number website.
Please note that there is no cost to employees for this fast, secure,and user-friendly service. Most businesses are very familiar with The Work Number and it is available to employees 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Need additional help to set up your Salary Key or answer other questions? Please call The Work Number customer service at 1-800-367-2884.
Verification of Experience and/or Sick Leave Balance
Verification of experience and/or sick leave balance for current employees (login required)
For Social Service Agencies ONLY
Human Resources will accept verification requests ONLY for The Housing Authority and DSHS. You may email the forms directly to or submit by fax or mail:
Fax: 206-743-3020
US Postal mail:
Seattle Public Schools
Human Resources, MS 33-157
PO Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165